Badgers - Year 6
Welcome to Badgers' information page.
We are an enthusiastic, and innovative group of Year Six pupils.
We are supported through our learning journey by our teacher Mrs Durham and our teaching assistants Mrs Durrows and Miss Burton.
This year we shall be participating in an engaging and creative curriculum to interest and challenge all learners. As well as revisiting key concepts we shall look to extend our learning as far as we possibly can. As learners, we are given the opportunity to become more independent and are supported to tackle our own challenges.
Children in Badger Class will be encouraged to extend their learning out of school by researching and learning about a range of different topics. Optional research and activity tasks will be set related to our History and Geography. In addition to this there is an expectation that reading and the practise of multiplication tables will be undertaken. Children will also be provided with key spellings from their Read Write Inc sessions to practice at home.
Children in Badger Class enjoy their curriculum days where they get to experience a range of activities linking to their learning.
This year we embarked on a Stone Age day using our fabulous forest school area.
Here we participated in fire lighting, loom weaving, dye making and weapon creation.