Squirrels - Year 1
Welcome to Squirrels
Our teachers are Mrs Cappitt and Mrs Lincoln. We also have Mrs Cotter and Mrs Winn to help us with our learning.
In Year One we adopt a thematic approach linking our subject areas enabling the children to cover a range of subjects in a 'new' term. In this way quality time is given to each theme fostering the children's enthusiasm and enjoyment of the subject. Having a cross-curricular approach enables children to experience real life situations.
For example, this term we are focusing on 'Space', we have set our role play area up as a space shuttle which will incorporate our maths learning about addition and subtraction. We will learn about the history of space travel - did you know the first living creature in space was a fruit fly? We will complete astronaut training as part of our PE learning and created our own space dances. We will be tasting real astronaut food! During English we will create our own aliens and then write some amazing descriptive writing. In science we will study humans and compared them to aliens as well as exploring our senses.
One of our main aims is to make each child more independent. It is a vital year in preparation for the next key stage. Each child takes on the role of a monitor which allows them to look after their own learning environment. Each child chooses their own continuous provision activity around the classroom which links to learning being completed during the main subjects. The children are always keen to complete a range of continuous provision activities around the classroom.
We have a fantastic learning environment and we are really pleased with our outdoor area, which can be used in all weather and allows children to take their learning outside.
We keep track of the number of days we have been at school to develop our understanding of place value. When we get to 100 days we have a special party to celebrate.
We have home learning challenges each term which enable the children to choose their own learning at home. The children are so enthusiastic to complete their home learning! Some of our recent challenges are attached below for you to see. The home school links are really important to us and we love it when the children bring in a new piece of home learning to share with the class. Our current home learning grids are available to download below.
We also use Tapestry (an online learning journal) to share the children's learning in school with parents and carers. Parents and carers can add to this as well. You can access this through the website or via the app. If you would like any more information or support with tapestry please let us know.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs Lincoln or Mrs Cappitt in school or on 01778 570389 or enquiries@morton.laat.co.uk You can also comment on Tapestry and we can reply directly through the website.
You can access Tapestry here tapestryjournal.com/s/morton-church-of-england-primary-school