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Morton CE Primary School

Morton CE Primary School

Hub Working

Although we are part of the Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust which has over 20 schools. We mostly work in a hub with the schools that are the nearest to us. These are: Brown’s Primary School in Horbling, Chestnut Street Primary School in Ruskington, Branston Infants School and  Edenham Primary School.

As School Leaders we have a range of activities planned for our children across the year. These are opportunities for the children and staff from the different schools to meet together on exciting experience days.


The first one of these was a Science Day for children in Reception held at Branston Primary School. There were 10 children from each school to attending, further opportunities will be available for children across the school through Maths, Science, Sport, Music and much more. 

Our Hub Schools are:

Morton CE Primary School

Horbling Brown's CE Primary School

Ruskington Chestnut Street CE Primary Academy

Edenham CE Primary School

Branston Infants CE Primary Academy