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Morton CE Primary School

Morton CE Primary School

A Church of England School

“And so encourage one another and help one another, just as you are now
doing .” 1Thessalonians 5.11

Our School Vision

At Morton CE Primary School, we believe that our school is the place where our children will grow and flourish with nurture and encouragement. We have the passion to enable every child to achieve anything in their life journey. As part of the Christian family, we follow Jesus’ examples and teachings; as we respect, believe, enjoy and achieve as a collective school family.

How does this underpin all that we do?

We believe that all stakeholders (pupils, staff, governors, parents, families and wider community members) are extremely and equally valuable and important to us. Morton Church of England Primary School is a welcoming school, which through teamwork provides a caring and safe environment that prepares our children as confident, unique, hardworking, trustworthy and happy citizens. With God’s guidance, we work with pride and passion to create life-long learners, who fulfil their potential. If we work together, we will be the very best that we can be: achieving, celebrating and succeeding whilst having fun.

Each of our values ‘Respect, Achieve, Enjoy, Believe’ is made explicitly Christian and linked to the life of Jesus; and to ensure they are lived out in our daily lives, we celebrate them during our daily worship and explore them in all areas of our curriculum. 

Church of England Vision →Diocese of Lincoln and Trust Vision→ School Vision

Our Christian Ethos

The foundation of our Christian ethos is rooted in the letter from St Paul to the Thessalonians. His letter talks of Hope amidst Hardship, and we strive to apply this in a modern and relevant way. 

Our Vision

Creating a community where we Respect, Believe, Enjoy and Achieve together

We believe that all of our children and staff should be respected and kept safe. We believe all of our children and adults should be nurtured to develop as people who care about others within our own lives and within our local community. 


We believe in the power of reflection and prayer and invitational opportunities offer children the time to develop spiritually. We believe that every child can achieve their full potential in their academic and social and emotional development.  As we reach out to one another, through our shared Christian values, we believe in the difference we can each make in our school, our community and the wider world.


As a church school family, we learn and grow together in God’s love. We try our hardest to develop our unique set of skills, knowledge, qualities and characteristics which enable us to achieve our full potential in all aspects of learning and enjoy these opportunities that are presented to us.  Through our Christian values of Trust, Perseverance, Compassion, Respect, Forgiveness and Honesty we aspire to grow spiritually, academically, physically and emotionally to be the best we can be. 

Our work is set in the context of the Church of England Vision for Education, ‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good,’ Autumn 2016 and educating for:

  • Wisdom, knowledge and skills

  • Community and living well together

  • Respect and dignity

  • Hope and aspiration

As a church school within the Diocese of Lincoln and Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust we embrace the Diocesan Vision for, ‘Church schools serving their communities through excellence, exploration and encouragement within the love of God.’

As defined:


The Diocese and Trust believes that Church Schools must provide an opportunity for all pupils and staff to become the best that they can be including, but not limited to, academic excellence.


The Diocese and Trust  believes that a Church school should be a place where the community can explore safely the things of the world, of humanity of faith and of God, without fear of judgement, condemnation or ridicule. It should be a place where it is acceptable to enter into and leave discussion, to offer different views, to disagree and to involve people of all ages, cultural backgrounds and faiths.


Church schools should be places that meet the present needs of their communities and encourage them to find fresh ways of thinking and being and acting. This encompasses matters of justice, hope and prophecy.

Our school vision, set in the context of a Christian ethos, is lived out through our aims and values creating a community in which we can all grow. St Paul's letter to the Thessalonians was written to a group of people acting together, encouraging each other and achieving great things. 

We aim to provide a broad, balance and creative curriculum which will support each one of us to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

This is lived out through building a community based on the shared values of:

  • Trust

  • Perseverance

  • Compassion

  • Respect

  • Forgiveness

  • Honesty

We are a Church of England Primary School. This means that we celebrate our identity as a school within our Christian community. We open our doors to all cultures and faiths and help children, staff and parents to create a school with Christian Values at the heart of our school.

Our Collective Worship focusses on a different Christian Value each term. This term's value is: Compassion

Collective Worship or Assembly takes a prominent part in our life at Morton Church of England Primary School. As a Church of England school we are proud of our links with our Church (St John the Baptist Church in Morton), the Ringstone and Aveland Parish, New Day Baptist Church and the wider community.

We help the children to feel part of our school family and also a wider family outside of school. Children take part and lead collective worship both in school and at church. In school we have a group of children who have agreed to be Sacristans. Our Sacristans have a very important job preparing the hall for collective worship, leading prayers and evaluating the teacher's assembly time!

Our School Prayer which was written by the children and encapsulates our School Vision and Values:

Dear God,
Thank you for our school.
Support us to encourage one
another and help one another,
So that every day Hand in Hand,
Together we can
Respect, Achieve, Enjoy and


Our Collective Worship, Aims, Ethos and Values are underpinned by our Collective Worship Policy and Religious Education Policy. Please see our Policies page to view these documents.


Helping Others

Across the year we support a range of charities through fundraising, special Collective Worships and talks from visitors. 



Our Multi-Academy Trust, LAAT has set up their own fund aimed at supporting school children who are lacking the things they need in order to access confidently the full life of school and the curriculum.